Products and Services

1. The Expectra OBM™ Integrated approach

Safety performance depends on implementing the most efficient and effective systems and processes, referred to as business process reengineering (BPR), supported by organisational culture, leadership and behavior, and referred to as cognitive process reengineering (CPR). This complex interdependency between BPR and CPR is illustrated in the diagram below.

The BPR and CPR processes need to integrated and hence be implemented in a balanced approach to ensure continuous improvement on both safety results and business performance. The aim of the OBM Process is to ensure this integrated approach. The Expectra OBM™  Process also focuses on both a top down as well as a bottom up methodology, aiming at behavioral change from a holistic, organisational

The Expectra OBM™ Process is the vehicle to obtain this fine balance. Its aim is to move the organisation from where it currently is (the current safety status based on the evidence forthcoming form the analysis) to where it wants to be (the safety vision or effect it wants to have). The ideal effect the organisation wants to have is a fine balance between the efforts of the people and the efficiency of the systems and process, illustrated as follows:

2. The Expectra OBM™ Process

The OBM Process consists of 5 elements, being; Organisational Culture, Organisational Risk Management, Organisational Leadership, Organisational Human Risk Management and Organisational Communication.

The next diagram illustrates the relationships between these elements. As per our conversation, the organisational maturity assessment will be conducted on all the elements of the Expectra OBM™ process. The figure below illustrates all the elements of the Expectra OBM™ process as well as the integrated nature of the elements.

OBM Integrated Process

3. Implementation of Expectra OBM™ Process

Expectra follows a systematic approach in implementing the OBM Process. The first step is to conduct a status analysis done through a maturity assessment. The maturity assessment provides the organisation with information with regards to how well the organisation is doing on each one of the Expectra OBM™ elements.

Each one of these Expectra OBM™ elements are supported by a scientific process and the maturity assessment aims at reflecting how well the organisation has implemented these processes.

The second step will be to determine the priorities for action. Expectra OBM™ will provide the feedback on the maturity assessment and based on the information, the organisation with facilitation from Expectra OBM™ will determine the safety focus priorities.

Based on these priorities interventions will be proposed, implemented and tracked. This process is set out in the diagram below.

There are three main, overall objectives of the Expectra OBM™ process:

  • To ensure the organisation has an integrated, proactive safety system that assists the organisation with trends and patterns which can support the organisation risk management process;
  • To entrench a safety mindset within leaders as well as people;
  • To entrench safe human behaviour.

These three objectives will support the overall vision of a risk competent organization.

This vehicle to facilitate the implementation of the overall vision is of cause only possible in the presence of a safety strategy, supported by organisation safety management standards, linked to a business vision and strategy. Expectra OBM™ will in the process of the maturity assessment also determine if these strategic elements are sufficiently in place and proposed interventions if there are short comings.

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